Show Summary
Dive into the colorful, captivating world under the sea with Finding Nemo Jr., a beloved musical adaptation of the Disney-Pixar classic. Join Marlin, a timid clownfish, on an epic journey to rescue his son, Nemo, who has been captured by scuba divers and placed in a fish tank. Along the way, Marlin encounters a host of unforgettable characters, including the ever-optimistic Dory, the laid-back sea turtle Crush, and a host of oceanic friends who help him on his quest. With vibrant songs, lively dance numbers, and a touching storyline, Finding Nemo Jr. is a delightful tale of perseverance, friendship, and the unbreakable bond between parent and child.
An Inclusive Production
This unique production of Finding Nemo Jr. is a celebration of diversity and inclusion, featuring a talented cast where half of the performers have disabilities and the other half are neurotypical. This dynamic and inclusive cast brings a new dimension to the beloved story, highlighting the importance of unity, acceptance, and the incredible talents of all individuals, regardless of their abilities.
Why You Should Attend
Inspiring Performances: Witness the incredible talents of our diverse cast, showcasing their acting, singing, and dancing abilities in a heartwarming and energetic performance.
Inclusive Theatre Experience: Be part of a groundbreaking production that promotes inclusion and celebrates the unique contributions of performers with disabilities.
Family-Friendly Fun: Enjoy a show that is perfect for audiences of all ages, filled with memorable characters, catchy songs, and an uplifting message.
Support Local Arts: By attending, you’re supporting local theater and encouraging the growth of an inclusive arts community.
Ticket Information
Join us for an unforgettable journey under the sea with Finding Nemo Jr.! Tickets are available now, and we encourage you to bring family and friends to experience this extraordinary production. Secure your seats today and be part of a performance that not only entertains but also inspires and promotes a message of inclusivity and acceptance.
Dive into adventure with Finding Nemo Jr. – where the ocean’s wonders are brought to life by a cast as diverse and vibrant as the underwater world itself!